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White Cat White VQA


White Cat White VQA

RS: 2 g/l


White Cat White VQA

This wine is a nicely balanced blend of our two best growing Vinifera grapes, Riesling and Sauvignon Blanc.  Delicious, smooth and easy to drink.


We love our farm animals, and recognize them by putting their pictures on the bottles.   This label celebrates our hard working farm Cats.  Our cats entertain us and our guests, and do a very useful farm chore – keeping down the mice.

Tasting notes for this wine are :

This pleasant, easy drinking, buttery smooth white wine is “Summer in a Glass”. It has caramel and honey on the nose, with white peach, pear, lemon and apple notes. There is a sweetness on the tongue, a nicely balanced acidity with a clean granny apple finish. It will be a great accompaniment to cream dishes such as fettuccini Alfredo, white fish in a dill cream sauce, coconut curry, fruit and cheese platters, or just on its own.

White Cat White is named after our friendly chatty white cat. “Rory” is always happy to strike up a conversation with our visitors.

RS: 2 g/l

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